Sunday, 31 August 2014


Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
Don Marquis

Saturday, 30 August 2014


Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. 
Samuel Ullamn

Friday, 29 August 2014


Know the true value of time; snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness...never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Lord Chesterfield

Thursday, 28 August 2014


There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you've committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.
Kenneth Blanchard

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Today, tomorrow

Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.
Charles Richards

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Be yourself

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
Oscar Wilde

Monday, 25 August 2014


Those who believe they can do something are probably right; and so are those who believe they can't.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

The gift

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
Steve Roland Prefontaine

Saturday, 23 August 2014


The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the others willing to let them. 
Robert Frost

Friday, 22 August 2014


Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Jules Renard

Just think about how many times people have told you that you were lazy, when in fact you were planning ahead. 

Thursday, 21 August 2014


Happiness without meaning characterizes relatively shallow, self-absorbed or even selfish life, in which things go well, needs and desires are easily satisfied, and difficult or taxing entanglements are avoided.
Roy F. Baumeister

In direct relation with yesterday's quote: In the end, life is not only about being happy as you won't know what happiness is if you haven't experienced sadness, frustration, anger, etc. How would you know how to enjoy small and simple things if you've never smelled a flower, watched a sunset or took the time to hear the birds singing? How do we end up taking our kids to zoos and farms to see real animals because they have never had the chance to see a real cow, a sheep or a chicken? What sort of life is this when we spend all our waking hours working for money to buy things that we don't get a chance to use? How happy are you when you buy a new car? How long is that happiness going to last before you desire a different car - better, bigger, more powerful? Have you ever wondered why you want those things? Are these objects really going to make you happier? Are you going to be more content driving home at 8 in the evening in a fancy car, knowing that your kids are spending their time in pre and after-schools in order for you to have time to do your job and get enough money to buy a shiny car? Or you rather work less hours, buy a used car and spend more time with your family?Do you think your kids will remember you for the big 4x4 that you have or for the moments that you've spent with them playing in the park, reading or teaching them how to ride a bike?

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


Wholeness is what we ought to be striving for and part of that is sadness, disappointment, frustration, failure; all of those things which make us who we are.
Hugh Mackay

Seize the day

We're always getting ready to live, but never living.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Good things

Fear less, hope more; whine less, breather more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours.
Swedish proverb

Monday, 18 August 2014


I don't do great things. I do small things with great passion.
Mother Teresa

How many times have you awaited for that big moment when you can do something exceptional, something amazing that people will remember you for?
Now try and imagine how many things you have missed looking for that great moment. Have you ever realized that were hundreds or thousands (and I dare say millions) of small things that you could have done every single day, things that would have brought you more happiness than one single impressive moment?
And am I right in saying that you still haven't found that amazing thing to be remembered for? Your name has never appeared in any newspaper; you have never written a book; you have never went around the world; you have never fought a bear or saved a dog from some river and probably you haven't heard anyone saying THANK YOU. Simply because you thought those small things were too small for you.
Forget about the great/ massive/ huge/ amazing moment and look around you. Start with the people next to you and see if you can help them and see if you can make a difference in their lives. 
Stop looking for something that you might never encounter and focus on the things around you. Do this with passion and wonderful things will start to happen. 


I say let the world go to hell, but I shall always have my tea.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

This is exactly how I feel sometimes. Just relax, let everyone go crazy and enjoy a good cup of tea - everything will be sorted in the meantime. 


Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching.
Satchel Paige

Sunday, 17 August 2014


Here's the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you are alive, it isn't.
Richard Bach

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Children and adults

The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.
Peter de Vries

Friday, 15 August 2014


There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There's no such thing as life in-between.
Pat Riley

Thursday, 14 August 2014


It's not what people do that make us angry; it's what we tell ourselves about what they did.
Marshall Rosenberg

Wednesday, 13 August 2014


In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind. 
Louis Pasteur

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. 
Albert Einstein

Monday, 11 August 2014


When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life. 
Greg Anderson

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Don't allow yourself to be upset and disturbed. Hold your peace because without it you have no power. 
Joyce Meyer

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Rich and famous

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer. 
Jim Carrey


You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy. 
Eric Hoffer


Never fight an inanimate object. 
P. J. O'Rourke

Friday, 8 August 2014

Good vs bad

The good ended happily and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means. 
Miss Prism

Thursday, 7 August 2014


If you're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laught about it now. 
Marie Osmond

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


When elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers.
Kikuyu Proverb

Saturday, 2 August 2014


What a man accomplishes in a day depends upon the way in which he approaches his tasks. 
Arland Gilbert

Friday, 1 August 2014

Stupidity vs genius

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.